Atheist Alliance International (AAI) has recently published a ‘Disclosure Document’, in which they accept that their entire Board is invalid. They then offer some excuses for their destruction of all democratic legitimacy within the organisation. In response, a whistleblower has this week sent me some internal AAI emails to demonstrate that the excuses they offer are deliberate and calculated lies.
The main rationale offered in the document for the anti-democratic corruption on AAI Board, is that “memberships were in long-term decline”. They argue that this was an existential crisis and that “doing nothing was not an option”. As a result, they cancelled all elections and all financial reporting at AAI, although they did not attempt an explanation as to why these steps would represent a remedy to the supposed problem described. The AAI ‘Disclosure Document’ includes the graph illustrated below, which shows the number of member groups dropping to 16 by November 2017.

An internal whistleblower immediately recognised that this was just a deliberate lie, and sent me the email below. The email was sent in November 2017 by the then Affiliates Director (John Richards) to the President (Gail Miller) and the Vice President (Bill Flavell). In fact, Bill Flavell still claims to be an Officer of AAI today.

In this email, the Affiliates Director was describing his confusion as to whether there were 33 or 59 affiliate member groups at that time. Subsequently, they decided that the correct number to publish in their Secular World Magazine was 33 affiliate member groups. That is more than double the number claimed by the recently published AAI ‘Disclosure Document’.
There is no way to reconcile this email to Bill Flavell, with the graph published by the so-called AAI Board in their recent ‘Disclosure Document’. In the document, it is claimed that the purported AAI Board “put a great deal of effort into conducting a thorough review” in order to write this document. That’s just not true. Instead, they simply made membership numbers up out of thin air, then used their imaginary member numbers as an excuse for their corrupt destruction of all democratic legitimacy at AAI.
When the so-called AAI Board invited members to ask questions about their ‘Disclosure Document’, there was one question asked about the source of the membership numbers used in the bogus graph illustrated above. In fact, the full exchange between current paid-up members and the AAI Board is available at the bottom of this page. The only question that isn’t answered by the so-called AAI Board, is the question about the source of the membership numbers used to create the graph. If the so-called AAI Board still won’t reveal the source of their numbers for their dishonest graph, I can provide them with some reliable documentary sources. Working backwards from the email above recently provided by an internal whistleblower:
- A full copy of the Membership Report provided to the January 2017 AAI Board Meeting is available at the bottom of this page. This document contemporaneously reported 36 active affiliate member groups.
- A full copy of the presentation to the 2016 AAI Annual General Meeting is available at the bottom of this page. This document contemporaneously reported 38 affiliate member groups.
- A full copy of the AAI Secular World Magazine from 1Q 2016 is available at the bottom of this page. This magazine contemporaneously reported 33 member groups.
- A full copy of the AAI Affiliates and Associates Report from March 2015 is available at the bottom of this page. This document contemporaneously reported 27 affiliate member groups.
- A full copy of the 2014 Year-End Annual Report from AAI is available at the bottom of this page. This document contemporaneously reported 18 affiliate member groups.
These absolutely indisputable figures for the membership numbers that were contemporaneously reported within AAI documents, can be graphed in green on top of the dishonest numbers recently manufactured by the AAI Board.

Unlike the dishonest AAI graph, the figures graphed in green above are stipulated with original sources for each number. That documentary evidence demonstrates the precise opposite of what the purported AAI Board have described. In fact, far from a “long-term decline”, since 2014 the membership numbers have risen substantially and then remained stable. The corrupt and anti-democratic actions that the AAI ‘Disclosure Document’ admits to, were not undertaken in response to a crisis in membership numbers. These actions were taken by a small number of dishonest and corrupt individuals who were only interested in a power grab.
The purported AAI Board that published these lies, proposes to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting in January 2023 to vote on the legitimacy of those who authored this incredibly dishonest graph. The contempt with which these people treat AAI members could not be clearer. They are charlatans and frauds who seek to cover up their own illegitimacy by inventing demonstrably false bunk. Anyone who attends the bogus AAI meeting in January 2023 to be lied to some more, needs to develop some self respect.
7 responses to “Whistleblower Provides New Evidence That AAI Lied In Their ‘Disclosure Document’”
This struggle seems puzzling to me.
Could someone explain it better?
I will read the email again now to see if I can get a better grasp of the issues.
Hi Maeve,
That’s a fair point. The TL;DR version is as follows:
Atheist Alliance International was a democratic alliance of atheist groups from dozens of countries, which had grown to become the only atheist group in the world with Special Consultative Status at the United Nations. In 2018, the organisation was unlawfully taken over by a small number of dishonest people. They spent years lying about what they did. Then a few weeks ago, they published a ‘Disclosure Document’ admitting that they were never elected and that their positions as Officers of the organisation are totally illegitimate. They excused this by claiming there was a crisis in membership numbers requiring extreme measures … but this article demonstrates that the supposed crisis in membership numbers is just another fabrication. The internal email from the relevant period shows that they knew there remained dozens of members. If you want more details (with all the documentary evidence) the story of what happened is told in three short articles:
Getting The Cabal Together
The Cabal Plan Their Coup
The Cabal And The Coup Continue
I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have. Before the coup, I was the Secretary of AAI for some years.
[…] in red and blue in the diagram below, even though the true membership numbers (along with the sources of each data point) are superimposed in green on top of the original […]
[…] be fair to reflect on her response to what AAI has already accepted. It seems relevant that AAI has demonstrably and repeatedly lied in this document, but for the purposes of Dr Doig’s considerations around the relevant governance issues, it […]
[…] of Bylaws imaginable. That document is available in full at the bottom of this page. In fact, the document is full of demonstrable lies designed to cover up even more serious wrongdoing, but just those transgressions that have now been […]
[…] that internal whistleblowers have revealed that their ‘Disclosure Document’ included many new deliberate lies. This is the process that Lawrence Krauss will act as Facilitator […]
[…] those reporting the truth. In fact, the AAI ‘Disclosure Document’ itself includes manufactured data, demonstrably false allegations, and many other deliberate deceptions. The current so-called Board […]