Neutrality Is Immoral
I’m glad to see the issue of Irish military neutrality back in the news again. This country is not immune to very real external threats and it is immoral to remain neutral as between the malign and the benign.
Correspondence With The Deputy Chief Of Staff
Through FoI, I obtained an internal email from the Deputy Chief of Staff within the Irish Defence Forces. Since Major General Ó’Murchú referred to me personally, I sent him a follow up email to help him with his presumptions about me.
Apologetics For The Most Appalling Violent Offenders
Some lies are so pathetic that their publication says more about the author than the subject. Other lies are sufficiently dangerous that they are better corrected than retained.
A Failure to Understand Either Language Or Evidence
I have received a response to my article on ‘Luxury Beliefs And The Victim Mentality’. I will record the entire text of the response here for posterity.
Luxury Beliefs And The Victim Mentality
It seems as though there has been a change in our culture recently. The rallying cries of woke lunatics that previously summoned angry mobs, can now only summon a collective audible sigh with an ostentatious eye-roll.
My First Blind-Tasting In Years
I was thrilled to recently receive an unsolicited and unlabelled whiskey sample. I haven’t done a blind-tasting in a long time and it was a lot of fun.
They Knew. They Just Didn’t Care.
They weren’t just pious prigs. They were fully aware of their dangerous lie, and they were fully aware of the very onerous consequences. They just didn’t care about the appalling harm being caused to the most vulnerable children.
The Great Rewriting Of History Begins
As the scale of the medical scandal around ‘gender-affirming care’ becomes clear, there will be many attempts to salvage reputations through retcon and memory hole. Here is an early and egregious example.