Atheist Alliance International (AAI) has recently published a ‘Disclosure Document’, in which they seek to address some fundamental questions about their own legitimacy. Today, they have admitted that the most consequential statements in their own document are simply false.
It has long been pointed out that no AAI Board was elected at the bogus 2018 AGM, and that no Board could have been subsequently appointed either. This is because the Bylaws require that there must be at least 4 Directors to constitute a Board of AAI. In contrast, the recently published AAI ‘Disclosure Document’ proposes that 6 new Directors may have validly been appointed after the 2018 AGM:
“… these 6 Directors could simply have been elected by the Board under the 2018 Bylaws after the AGM.”
Quote from AAI ‘Disclosure Document’
Today, AAI has admitted that this is absolutely false. Since there were not 4 Directors to constitute a Board of AAI after 2018 AGM, there was nobody who could have appointed or elected any new Directors. In the answer illustrated within the extract below, Bill Flavell accepts that “after the 2018 AGM only 2 Board members remained”. That is, after the 2018 AGM there was no AAI Board at all.

The implications of this answer are very clear. Not alone is AAI admitting that their ‘Disclosure Document’ is false, but it is false on the most consequential issue of their own legitimacy. Specifically, AAI is now accepting that:
- There was no AAI Board after the 2018 AGM. There was not an AAI Board that had been elected in the manner of all previous valid Boards, and neither was there a Board that had even been appointed.
- There was no group of Directors who had any mandate or authority to do anything at all on behalf of AAI. Those taking actions on behalf of AAI were not an AAI Board, and had no legitimacy to take any decisions on behalf of the alliance. This was a group of people who represented nobody but themselves, having been neither elected nor appointed to the roles they were claiming.
- This group of individuals had no power or authority to change AAI Bylaws; or to add new affiliate members to the alliance; or to appoint new Directors of AAI. None of the changes to the Bylaws that they made after 2018; and none of the new so-called members they added to AAI; and none of the purported AAI Directors that they appointed; had any legitimacy whatsoever. They had no mandate to take any of those steps.
- The AAI ‘Disclosure Document’ states that this Board was then formally elected in 2020 and acquired a mandate at that time. However, these people had no authority during 2020 to arrange a vote for Director positions; or to construct a voter roll for an election; or to convene a general meeting of the alliance. Their so-called election in 2020, was also entirely illegitimate.
The most absurd part of this risible kabuki, which continues to be managed by a group of charlatans and frauds posing as the AAI Board, is that they believe they can resolve their illegitimacy going back to 2018 by arranging another vote in 2023. The AAI ‘Disclosure Document’ states that “members should form their own opinion regarding the standing of these Directors”, and they propose to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in January 2023 to vote on the issue.
This is utterly ridiculous. Either Directors were validly elected in 2018 or they were not. Either there was a Board validly appointed in 2018 or there was not. These are matters of fact, and not matters to be resolved by a vote in 2023. Whereas AAI has now admitted that no Board was appointed or elected in 2018, they cannot hold a vote in 2023 to make it so. No vote in 2023 can retrospectively elect or appoint an AAI Board in 2018, or retrospectively associate a mandate with any steps taken on behalf of AAI since 2018. Neither can AAI hold a vote in 2023 to recognise their bogus election in 2020. The so-called election in 2020 was equally illegitimate, and it did not create any valid mandate for anyone. No vote arranged by Bill Flavell in 2023, can reach back in time and bestow valid election success upon Bill Flavell in 2020.

The AAI Board now accepts that none of them were ever validly elected or appointed to any role whatsoever. However like Donald Trump, they view this as a mere technicality that should not stand in the way of them continuing in their positions. The risible spectacle of an EGM at AAI to vote on the legitimacy of bogus self-appointed roles going back several years, is like Donald Trump arranging a vote among Mar-a-Lago members on whether he is still POTUS or not. In reality though, Donald Trump is not as gauche or clownish as AAI, such that he would not actually proceed with such a pantomime.
Who cares what a membership base created by Donald Trump might think about whether he was validly elected or not? He wasn’t. That’s all there is to it. Who cares what a membership base created by Bill Flavell might think about whether he was validly elected or not? He wasn’t. That’s all there is to it.
Either Directors were validly elected in 2018 or they were not. Either there was a Board validly appointed in 2018 or there was not. Asking your friends to retrospectively give you a mandate that you never earned, does not make it so. In fact, to even make the attempt is degrading and anyone who participates will be sullied by the entire performance.