The Cabal Plan Their Coup
This is the second part of a three-part story, about a small cabal of dishonest people, who destroyed all democratic legitimacy within international organised atheism.
Getting The Cabal Together
This is the first part of a three-part story, about a small cabal of dishonest people, who destroyed all democratic legitimacy within international organised atheism.
National Maternity Hospital Ethical Code
I submitted a FoI request for the Religious Sisters Of Charity Health Service Philosophy and Ethical Code from St Vincent’s Healthcare Group, and won an OIC appeal.
FoI Is Neither Free Nor Informative
Public bodies often provide untruthful responses to Freedom of Information requests, and the Office of the Information Commissioner often doesn’t care.
Excessive FoI Fees
Public bodies frequently seek excessive fees for FoI requests. This case demonstrates how such obstacles can often be relatively easily challenged.
Review Of The Equality Acts
My submission to Minister Roderic O’Gorman’s public consultation on his Review of the Equality Acts.
Mageean Cup History
The author of a new book on the history of the Mageean Cup contacted me recently, prompting a reflection on the strength of Ulster hurling in the 1990s.
The Turing £50 Note
An explanation of the design on the Alan Turing £50 note and why I seem to have been the first person to describe the details.
University Chaplains
The campaign for public procurement rules and public appointment guidelines to be followed in the awarding of chaplaincy contracts.