I Am Now In A Venn Diagram
I can’t recall anyone ever before constructing a Venn Diagram that included me personally, but that changed yesterday. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a very coherent diagram.
Is Sensitive Data Safe At AAI?
If you were in touch with a vulnerable apostate who believed they might be at risk if their loss of faith became known, you might consider recommending that they send their details to Atheist Alliance International. However, you should really read this article before doing so.
AAI Insincerity About Atheists “At Risk”
After a recent article was published in OnlySky, the author was contacted by AAI with claims that the article was putting a named person “at risk” and causing that person to become “extremely afraid”. AAI insisted that OnlySky must “redact the real name urgently”. It has since been demonstrated that all of this was totally…
“You Can Never Forget The Past Unless You Face Up To It”
The title of this article is taken from a slide that Brian Kernick, as purported President of AAI, presented to their recent EGM. The emergency meeting then proceeded to studiously avoid facing up to very serious AAI wrongdoing. This article summarises the issues that they dodged, which they must be accountable for.
Dear Information Commissioner …
After recently receiving some new evidence, I have today written this letter to the Information Commissioner. It relates to a Freedom of Information request to the Department of Education for their communications with the Roman Catholic Church. Processing this request has so far taken more than 5 years and cost more than €500 in appeal…
The AAI EGM, The N-Word, And Worse
Many people will look at the title of this article and assume it is mere contrived clickbait. The title of this article is not mere contrived clickbait.
Lawrence Krauss Facilitates CryFest
The recent general meeting of AAI was a 4-hour self-pitying whine, where Lawrence Krauss joined the AAI Board in portraying accountability as persecution. Lawrence Krauss failed to provide the due process to others that he has demanded for himself.
Lawrence Krauss Joins AAI Cover Up
Tomorrow, on Sunday 15th January, the illegitimate Board of AAI will arrange a bogus general meeting to ‘clear the air’ after their admissions of very serious wrongdoing. Despite their refusal to answer questions from their own members, Lawrence Krauss will act as their Facilitator in this cover up.
Three More AAI Insiders Speak Out
In the last week, three more AAI insiders have spoken out about the crisis of legitimacy for the current self-styled Board. This includes a detailed resignation letter from the AAI Advisory Council, which is published in full here.