The Great Rewriting Of History Begins

The medical scandal relating to ‘gender-affirming care’ has caused enormous unnecessary harm to a large number of children. The appalling damage done to some of the most vulnerable people in society persisted for so long, in part because ideological advocates sought to attack and demonise anyone who questioned pharmaceutical and other medical interventions. Whereas some people will be big enough to address their behaviour honestly, it is inevitable that many of the gender-woo cheerleaders will seek to avoid accountability by attempting to rewrite history. Here is an early and egregious example of such naked mendacity, which we can doubtless expect more of. In the short video clip below, we can see an initial reaction to The Cass Report.

Initial reaction to The Cass Report

This is a glowing review of the work completed by Dr Cass and her team. The initial commentary even insists that The Cass Report from the UK should not be an outlier, but rather that its conclusions should be adopted by many other countries too. However, that endorsement is based on an entirely ideological misrepresentation of the report.

In reality, The Cass Report resulted in puberty blockers being permanently banned in the UK. Moreover following the report, the Gender Identity Development Service in the UK was closed down and replaced by alternative clinics offering an entirely different treatment pathway. This was because the central conclusion of The Cass Report, was that there is “remarkably weak” evidence to support the prescription of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender dysphoric children.

In the fantasy world of the ideologues though, somehow their review of the The Cass Report concluded that Dr Cass was keen to see more centres prescribing more puberty blockers to more children. This is made clear in the quotes below, taken from the video clip above.

“It was not about children being given harmful prescriptions. It was that they were not getting the care they deserved … that’s why they split it into two centres, to spread the load … it was about access you fucking idiot. It wasn’t about prescribing stuff that wasn’t supposed to be prescribed or prescribing it wrong.”

In fact, this initial reaction to The Cass Report got even more toe-curling. The following quotes taken from the video clip above were directed at those who might disagree with their make-believe conclusions, which were invented to support their ideology:

  • “You are not part of the skeptic community any more. You can fuck right off.”
  • “This isn’t skepticism. A skeptic would actually read the content. A skeptic would actually read the report.”
  • “I went through the whole thing and within two minutes found what the findings where in the report.”

So the initial react to The Cass Report from these ‘gender-affirming care’ cheerleaders, was not only to imagine that Dr Cass was supporting their position. It was also to insist that any rational, objective or skeptical reading of The Cass Report had to share their imaginary make-believe. Otherwise, any dissenter could only be a “moron”, an “asshat”, and a “blithering nincompoop”. That last one is a bit harsh.

When it was no longer sustainable to heap praise upon The Cass Report though, and to continue presenting the document as hard evidence supporting the prescription of puberty blockers, a rewriting of history had to begin. Having just made it clear that only a “bigot” would disagree with their initial reading of the report, they then went on to make it clear that they themselves fully disagreed with their initial reading of the report. The first couple of sentences within the video clip below are just amazing.

Subsequent reaction to The Cass Report

After they had published well over four hours of video that consistently and repeatedly praised The Cass Report as supporting everything they believed, they later returned to the same topic in a subsequent video to state as follows:

“That is what I said when I reviewed The Cass Report. It was so academically wrong, the whole process, as I said.”

They then went on to quote criticism of The Cass Report from other sources, and suggested in somewhat colourful terms that they don’t want to hear anyone quoting the document to them approvingly, since it is supposedly so discredited. They simply ignored the fact that they had recently published almost five hours of themselves quoting The Cass Report approvingly. Personally, I will continue to quote Dr Cass as an authoritative source, while politely declining the associated invitation offered in the video clip above.

The ideological fantasy that they created about Dr Cass supporting their position, had to be replaced with a new make-believe wherein they had always been the strongest critics of The Cass Report. However, while they will hope that nobody else notices their rewriting of history, they of course knew exactly what they were doing themselves. It must have been enormously corrosive of their personal dignity and self-respect, for them to utter sentences such as these as they streamed that video:

“When last time we covered The Cass Report, we even went through some of the references that were used in that report. We found out that they are not saying what the fuck Dr Cass was saying.’

This is just a taste of what is yet to come. As the scale of the medical scandal around ‘gender affirming care’ becomes more clear, there will be many more attempts to salvage reputations through retcon and memory hole. However, those who engage in such mendacity to avoid dealing with their behaviour in an adult manner, will not be mitigating the scorn with which they are viewed but merely piling ridicule upon it.

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